Friday, 31 August 2012


Well, it is Friday of my first week back with 12WBT and so far all is going pretty well. I have managed to get up and do the excercise every morning except this morning. I will be doing my toning this afternoon after I take the rogue dog for her walk.

I have managed to go alcohol free all week! For me, that is HUGE!! And that was despite having some worrying news earlier in the week to do with work and the future of the company both myself and the OH work for. My initial thought was to reach for a drink when I got home. But I took the dog for a walk and thought if I still felt like one after walking I would buy one of those baby bottles of wine on the way home (we walk right past the bottle shop about 2 mins from home). Even if I had wanted to, I couldn't cause I forgot to take any money... and after getting home really couldn't be bothered going out to get one. Win for me! Also didn't have a celebratory drink after we got our quarterly bonus unexpectedly in our pays on Thursday. Instead, I have been enjoying soda water with lemon in a lovely big wine glass. Strange & unusual but extremely welcome change in my behaviour, I hope it lasts.

This weekend we are heading down to the coast for a Fathers Day lunch with the OH's kids on Sunday. We will drive down on Saturday and stay the night. I am planning on doing the SSS first thing in the morning... ouch! I have booked a room at a little motel right on the beach, so I am planning on a nice long beach walk either Saturday afternoon or Sunday morning, or maybe both. With the full moon, maybe a romantic stroll with the OH could be on the cards also ;)

Monday, 27 August 2012

First Day of a new 12WBT Round

Today has been good. Although it took a bit to convince myself to get out of bed this morning, I managed to crawl out and get ready for a gym session before work. Did Mish's gym program except for the running, just used the X-Trainer, bike and rower, then came home (I walk to the gym) and finished the rest of the excercises here. 450 calories burnt :)

Had my usual brekkie of porridge with skim milk, showered dressed and headed off to work.

Snack was a banana, and a coffee.

Had lunch with a lovely new friend, not really on Mish's menu, but from what I worked out on Calorie King came in just over 300 calories, so happy with that. It's not often i manage to get away from the office during the day and I usually just eat my lunch at my desk, so this was a very welcome diversion.

When I got home I changed into some comfy walking clothes and took my hyperactive Border Collie for a walk and game of chasing the ball in the park. I didn't bother to wear my heart rate monitor figure whatever I burnt is a bonus.

Dinner... OMG, DINNER!!! I think I have a new favourite meal. Cajun Fish Stew. Nom nom nom!! Was a bit wary of this, didn't really know how it would be, but thought I'd give it a go. Absolutely fantastic, will definitely be having this one again.

So now, I'm off to clean the kitchen, have a cup of herbal tea and read or watch tv till bedtime. A good first day for the new round. (Imagine a big sigh of satisfaction)

Sunday, 26 August 2012

Return of the Wayward Blogger

Hello Blog, yes, I am still here... I have not fallen off the planet at all! Where have I been? Well, yes I have been on the computer... it hasn't been broken. Truth is, I stopped.... just stopped! I still went to work and did stuff, but fear made me stop moving forward. And so, dear Blog, I stopped blogging too. Because this was my way of tracking my progress, I felt as if there was none being made... so there was no point and a great deal of embarrassment in trying to write about anything.

So, what has been happening in the last 5 months or so?? I finished my second round of 12WBT and lost another 4 or 5 kilos. Then I signed up for another round and lost no weight at all. My excuse? Injury. Fact: because I was hurt and couldn't excercise I just ate & drank whatever I wanted. Strangely enough I maintained and haven't put on any weight! Although I am a bit squidgier. So, here I am at 68kg and a size 14... still a vast improvement on where I started. But only halfway to where I want to be.

So... yep, you guessed it! I have rejoined for my 4th round. But, I think I have a bit of a different attitude now. I have met a wonderful person who does Reiki Crystal Healing... it has helped... a lot. She also runs a meditation group which I have gone to once and look forward to continuing to attend. So, my focus this round is much more on balance. My committment to this round sounds a bit different:

My commitment is to myself... after 3 rounds of 12WBT 
and achieving very small weight loss results in the last 2 rounds, I now commit to learning to have balance in my life. I will strive to achieve the best version of myself Physically, Mentally & Spiritually. I will watch & listen to the lessons I need to learn in order to achieve this goal both from Mish with her wealth of excercise & nutrition knowledge and elsewhere for the mental & spiritual guidance I will need. I will organise my life in order to achieve regular excercise and healthy nutrition. I will not push myself to the point of injury again but will listen to my body in order to get the best results possible. I will eat clean & healthy food and keep to the 1200 calorie limit in order to achieve a healthy BMI. I will not berate myself if I slip up, but will acknowledge my human frailties, pick myself up kindly and continue toward my ultimate goal. I commit to rediscovering the joy that has been missing in my life and learning to dance again to the music in my heart. This will not take 12 weeks, this will be my goal for the remainder of my life. Life is a journey let’s make it a long, loving and healthy trip. I am committed to doing whatever is necessary to get me there.

So, for the moment I am sticking to low impact excercise (at least I will be when I start tomorrow) I thought about jogging for my 1km time trial, but thought about how sore my back was the day before and had that niggle in my hip and (wisely I think) decided to take an alternative and did my time trial on the rowing machine. I have realised I think that I am in fact 53, not 23 or 33, not even 43... and although I believe i will manage to be strong enough to run again, that time is not now. For now the Cross Trainer & the Rowing Machine are my friends.

And so, dear Blog I am back, hopefully for a while this time. Ciao for now.